Agile Principles: Excellent Design Needs BDD & TDD

larry apke, agile doctor, bdd, tdd, excellent design, agile principles

larry apke, agile doctor, bdd, tdd, excellent design, agile principles

This principle is much like the one previous about sustainable development. Agile doesn’t ask us to shortcut quality and increase technical debt in an effort to deliver software faster. It is precisely because we do not shortcut quality and incur technical debt that we are able to move faster.

I have worked with many teams to introduce Behavior Driven Development (BDD) because, among a great number of other advantages, BDD allows developers an easier way to access the practice of Test Driven Development (TDD). And, in my experience, TDD is the only way I have seen out of the practice of “Big Up Front Design”.

Big Up Front Design is generally a waterfall practice in that architects and designers spend a great amount of time before coding begins to attempt to foresee all possible design considerations in advance so that the final design could be implemented without issues. The problems with this approach are outlined wonderfully in Martin Fowler’s “Is Design Dead?” blog.

The one I would concentrate most on is the issue of changing requirements. Since most of software development falls in the complex quadrant (see my Complexity Theory and Why Waterfall Development Works (Sometimes) presentation), it generally has a great deal of nonlinearity (sometimes referred to as the “butterfly effect”). This means that any small change in requirements can have a great ripple effect, usually nullifying the extensive work that designers and architects (our experts) have created.

If you want a rule of thumb measure of an organization’s (or team’s) relative agility, bring up the word refactor. A rigid organization will recoil in horror while an agile one will recognize refactoring as desirable. The answer to nonlinearity is the concept of evolutionary design and this is simply not possible without refactoring and refactoring is simply not possible without a safety net. That safety net is created by a suite of tests that were created as a result of TDD (using something like BDD) and are leveraged via continuous integration and continuous delivery.

With respect to this principle, continuous attention to technical excellence is expressed through the XP practices of BDD/TDD and CI/CD, learning how to create testable requirements (via BDD) which are expressed through tests created prior to coding (TDD) and through near instantaneous feedback (CI/CD). I can be assured that my refactoring of design addresses not only the new requirements but also the legion of existing requirements (through automated regression) so that nonlinearity is not expressed through regression defects in the final product.

Because of the technical excellence above I can then use evolutionary design to create not just “good” but excellent design.

“This might all sound fine,” you say, “but I live in the real world and it doesn’t work for us because of (fill in your favorite excuse).”

To you I say, yes, it does work.

No matter what your situation, you can leverage the above practices. That is not to say that it won’t be challenging because you may be struggling with existing technical debt, but it is possible if your organization had the understanding of the costs of not adhering to this principle.

For the skeptics out there I leave you with a little story:

There was one team that I worked with to teach BDD/TDD and pushed them to adopt these practices. Though they were initially skeptical, they did it anyway. After only a few short days they began to see the “method to my madness” and roundly declared that this was the way that all software should be developed.

After a few months of success, they were asked to present what they learned to other teams. Like a proud father I stood in the background and listened to what they said. Not only did they say that they couldn’t imagine doing software development without these practices, but that there were times that they felt pressured (as we all do at times) to produce software faster and they shortcut the processes and every time they did, it was this code that was identified later to have defects; defects that they had to spend time fixing.

Because the time spent finding and fixing code that wasn’t created using TDD was greater than if they had slowed down and done the initial coding properly, trying to write code faster by neglecting technical excellence was actually slower in the long run.

To this day these folks that I had the pleasure of teaching a bit of technical excellence to email me from time to time to tell me that they have convinced yet another team (or vendor) to pursue technical excellence.

Why? Because continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.

Larry Apke

Agile Principles: How to Maintain a Sustainable Pace

larry apke, agile, scrum, indiegogo, agile development, agile doctor

larry apke, agile, scrum, indiegogo, agile development, agile doctor

Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.

When I think on this principle I cannot help but think about the potential “dark side” of agile and how it can be misunderstood and implemented incorrectly. It also reminds me of an interesting story I was told by one of my coaching colleagues recently.

Once upon a time a company hired a very talented vice president of software development. Unfortunately, when this brave soul entered employment the amount of technical debt in the code was enormous. This was a situation that needed to be fixed because this pasta code was very expensive to maintain and made it difficult to deliver software quickly and with quality.

The company’s leadership heard about agile and decided that this was the answer to all their problems so they set about sprinting. Since the concepts are so easy they felt they could forge ahead without expert agile scrum help. In their quest for agility they found that they could indeed write code faster, but without proper guidance they forgot about the concept of sustainability and did nothing more than create technical debt faster. Unfortunately for our VP, the pleas to adopt sustainable agility went unheeded and six months was all the VP could take before moving on.

The bottom line is that many companies misuse agile because they think by being agile they can cheat the iron triangle of development. What too few people realize is that you don’t choose two of three sides because it is actually an iron square where you choose three of four sides (scope, resources, schedule and quality or, as Jeff Atwood refers to it, an Iron Stool). You misuse agile when you choose everything but quality because the code becomes unmaintainable over time and agility becomes mired in the big ball of mud you have created.  I refer you to my article about refactoring in the Agile Record for the problems with unnecessarily complex and technical debt laden code.

The misguided desire to emphasize speed over quality leads to the accumulation of technical debt and is a symptom of project (and not product) centric thinking. Like I refer to in an earlier blog post, there are reasons why no one washes a rental car.  Overtime you will no longer get speed or quality and your ability to sustain agile over long periods of time is compromised.

I try to run at least a few miles everyday, but I do not sprint the entire run. If I did, I would barely make it more than about a quarter of a mile. This is why I have begun to prefer the term iteration over sprint. Sprinting goes against this principle because sprinting is, almost by definition, unsustainable. It certainly is not “constant pace  indefinitely”.

I argue that in order to maintain constant pace indefinitely there are two things an team must do and an organization must support, acceptance test driven development (ATDD) and continuous integration / delivery (CI/CD). I believe currently that BDD is the best means of accessing ATDD (and TDD) so I have taught that to my clients with spectacular success.

Without ATDD and CI/CD all teams are doing is what I call feature chasing. The question is not one of sustainability but how many and how quickly can I deliver new features. While this might be important for startups, most are not involved in such high competition that chasing features at the expense of quality and long term sustainability is ludicrous. Even those who must feature chase to remain competitive must recognize that they are creating technical debt that must be paid, and paid quickly, before servicing the “interest” on the debt is all that can be afforded.

Interestingly enough, though many people believe that employing ATDD, TDD and CI/CD slows the progress of software delivery, my experience is that, with very little training and a healthy dose of discipline, the gains far outweigh the investment. This is obvious if we look at the product and not just the project, but my experience shows that even within the misguided and arbitrary project the payoff is realized.

I have a number of teams that I have coached that delivered high quality software into production in short project time frames precisely because, and not in spite of, BDD. As Bob Martin states, “The only way to go fast is to go well,” and no one is more recognized as an expert on quality code than him.

My last point is related to the above in that one of the greatest dangers of feature chasing is not just that we tend to accumulate technical debt faster, but it (and the sprinting as fast as we can mentality) generally pressures us to not take advantage of training opportunities like learning TDD, BDD and the like. With technology changing so quickly it is critical that our people make certain to invest their time not just chasing features but building the skills necessary for sustainable development so they can maintain a constant pace indefinitely.

Larry Apke

Not Burning Down? Diagnosing and Fixing the Some of the Problems

Of course you would not expect every sprint to have a perfect burndown. You would not expect to complete every story in every sprint (my goal has always been 90% or greater stories complete), but if you are finding yourself with many “overhanging” stories each sprint there are a number of things that you can do to diagnose and fix the issue. In this particular post, I am going to discuss problems with time and hours.

There are three things that can go wrong with hours:

  1. The number of hours the individual estimates for capacity is too low.
  2. The number of tasks identified is incorrect (not enough tasks identified).
  3. The number of hours associated with each task is too low.

Continue reading “Not Burning Down? Diagnosing and Fixing the Some of the Problems”

What to Expect from a New Agile Team

Whenever I work with a new Agile team I have some stock “speeches” that I tend to give. One of my favorites “speeches” covers my expectations are for a newly formed Agile team, namely increased transparency and predictability.  Notice that I did not say increased velocity. That may or may not come with time, but the first two hurdles are getting to a point where one can understand what is going on at any time – transparency – and what can be expected to be delivered over time – predictability.

One of the biggest hurdles to getting any software development completed is endless interruptions. Transparency provides a safe haven where anyone associated with a project can see where the team is at anytime so that constant status and interruptions can be calmed.

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Why I Don’t Like Whiteboards, the Last Sacred Cow and Why I Will Burn in Scrum Hell

I doubt there are many people in this world who have the passion or spend more time researching about Agile than I do. Over the years I have seen many sacred Agile/Scrum cows questioned. Usually when one has the guts to do so there are scores of Agilistas ready to denounce anything that goes against their indoctrinated Agile/Scrum education. It seems that many fail to understand that in order to prove the value of something, it must always be questioned. Hell, the whole damn thing started because a few folks decided they would question orthodoxy and find better ways to do things.

And now I think I have found the very last sacred cow remaining. Over the past few weeks, whenever I have some spare moments, I have googled, binged and read blog after blog. My search – is there anyone else out there who really doesn’t care for Agile/Scrum whiteboards. I can say from experience that it appears unanimous. Every person talking about Agile or doing Agile absolutely, positively, without question loves Agile whiteboards to track iterations. All that is except me. Yet I cannot hold my tongue any longer. I know I will go to Scrum hell, but I have always had a strong distaste for Agile boards.

Continue reading “Why I Don’t Like Whiteboards, the Last Sacred Cow and Why I Will Burn in Scrum Hell”

Using Individual Burndowns

I have my very own Scrum team right at home. There are seven of us in the family. I love each and every one of my family members equally, but that does not mean that each one of my family members is the same nor would I treat each one exactly the same. Of my three boys, each has their own wants, needs and desires that I need to help fulfill on a regular basis. One needs extra help for their homework, one needs extra time to help them with their driving lessons and my youngest just needs me to spend as much time as possible with him even if we don’t do much of anything (though we always seem to have something). In other words, in order to have a highly functioning family (team) I have to treat each family member (team member) a little differently. I don’t hand the car keys over to my five year old nor do I hold hands when I walk down the street with my twenty year old.

I have two second families right now, the two scrum teams that I have the pleasure of being acting scrum master for. Like my own family at home, both of these teams is comprised of individuals with different levels of Agile maturity. One team is close to highly functioning while the other is just now taking the first tentative steps into Agile. One team can handle nearly all their sprint planning while the other needs a great deal of time. One has tasks assigned to the team (and chooses tasks based on availability during the sprint) while the other goes through the effort of making sure that tasks are chosen during planning to ensure that they don’t over-commit.

Continue reading “Using Individual Burndowns”